
Laughing Man Worldwide

Let’s face it, everywhere you turn there is a celebrity hawking a product – you name it, they endorse it. Hugh Jackman has done something unique though… he actually created a company that gives back. And this not any ordinary run of the mill company. He created Laughing Man Worldwide.
At the launch he is quoted as saying “at Laughing Man, we have a very simple policy – we want to make money then we want to give it away.” Pretty cool right?!
Jackman, who is a World Vision ambassador, says he was inspired by a visit to Ethiopia. In a promotional video for the company Jackman explained that he met a 27 yr old coffee farmer by the name of Dukale. While planting coffee trees with Dukale, Jackman thought of how much of a difference one man could make to improve the life of the community. He says “I made a promise to him [Dukale] right there [that] I would do everything I could to use my voice to actually get his message out about how people can help growers like that.”

Fast forward 1 year and Laughing Man Worldwide was born. The first company created under that is Laughing Man Coffee & Tea which focuses on importing, roasting and serving specialty coffee & tea. 100% of the profits from this company go to charity.

In a statement on their website it says “By using our resources to find, incubate and support companies and products that believe in the ALL BE HAPPY vision, we can do our part to create jobs, support the entrepreneurial spirit and encourage the ingenuity that is essential to community health… Laughing Man Worldwide believes education is the essential foundation for ensuring a peaceful, healthy and prosperous worldwide community. We support innovative and effective educational initiatives. To begin with, we have partnered with Harlem Village Academies and Dr. Deborah Kenny. We have visited these schools and consider them to be a premier example of what education can be and can do.”
If you would like to support the company check out their website

You can also see the promotional video here: