
Some like it hot, some like it cold!

Throwing away a cup of coffee because its too cold is really a thing of the past now. Iced coffees have become a permanent fixture on any coffee shop worth its salt. Don’t think for a minute though that these are any old beans, not in the least! The beans used are the same premium ones used in hot coffee. Shop owners even sometimes use special techniques to get the best flavour. At one store the coffee is “steeped overnight or sometimes longer using a coarse grain and cold water, no heat.” That process is said to bring out a sort of caramel/chocolate flavour.

The sales figures prove that it is an extremely popular item. In the USA alone 500 million drinks were sold and that shows no signs of slowing down. Iced coffees are available everywhere, whether it be McDonalds, Starbucks or even the smaller players in the worldwide market.

But iced coffees also make a delicious treat when made at home. Using cold left-over coffee is a big no-no for coffee lovers “worth their salt”, but life is not a sitcom, so let me know if you come across anyone that can distinguish that difference with the added cinnamon and caramel flavours.
So why not give one of these recipes a try?

Cinnamon Caramel Coffee


  • 6 tbps ground coffee
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup caramel dessert syrup


Mix the cinnamon into your loose ground coffee and then brew a pot of coffee by whatever method you prefer. Add the caramel syrup to the cinnamon-spiced coffee, and stir well until completely dissolved. Chill through in the fridge, and serve over ice cubes, with added milk or sugar to taste. The syrup makes this iced coffee pretty sweet as it is.
(recipe from Sean Paajanen)

White Mocha Coffee Granita

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 4 hours
Cold-Brewed Coffee Infusion Time: 12 hours
Total Time: 16 hours, 10 minutes
Yield: Two to three servings


  • 1 c. cold-brewed coffee or cold coffee
  • 1.2 c. milk
  • 3 tbsp. good quality white chocolate syrup


Mix the ingredients in a shallow, freezer-safe dish. Optional: Cover the dish with a lid or with plastic wrap.
Place the container in the freezer. After about one hour, scrape a fork through the mixture. Repeat every 45 minutes until the mixture is fully frozen. Scrape it less often for a chunkier mixture (like Italian ice) or more often for a smoother mixture (like sorbet).
Enjoy immediately, or cover the container and scrape the granita once more before serving. Use within two weeks.
(recipe from Lindsey Goodwin)

How do you like your iced coffee? Personally, give me the white mocha granita any (hot) day.